
August 2024

  • Mu State Fall Workshop, NEMCC Nutrition Center, Booneville MS: August 23-24, 2024
  • Local chapters submit any additional 2024-2025 membership dues to Mu State Treasurer, Jan Eastman; 108 Alabama Street
    New Albany, MS 38652

September 2024

  • Local Chapters recognize this month as National Kappa Kappa Iota month (great opportunity to have local dignitary to sign proclamation)
  • Membership Recruitment Month
  • Local Chapters send monthly Empathy News (Honors, Marriages, Births, Deaths, etc.) to
    Mu State Empathy Chair, Donna Geno, Email: dgeno1972@gmail.com
  • Fiscal Year-end report (7/1/23–6/30-24) due to National Kappa Headquarters by State Treasurer

October 2024

  • Membership Recruitment Month
  • State Presidents’ Meeting, Tulsa, OK:
    October 4-5, 2024
  • Local Chapters support “Make a Difference Day”; October 26, 2024 (great philanthropic opportunity) Search online for details.
  • Local Chapters send monthly Empathy News (Honors, Marriages, Births, Deaths, etc.) to
    Mu State Empathy Chair, Donna Geno, Email: dgeno1972@gmail.com
  • The Kappa Profile (Holiday Issue) article submission (Philanthropic) deadline to State President for National Headquarters:  Oct. 30, 2024

November-December 2024

  • Local chapters celebrate the founding of Kappa Kappa Iota on December 6, or close to that date (Hold a “Merry Member Holiday Party”)
  • Local Chapters send monthly Empathy News (Honors, Marriages, Births, Deaths, etc.) to
    Mu State Empathy Chair, Donna Geno, Email: dgeno1972@gmail.com.
  • The Kappa Profile(Convention Issue) article submission deadline to State President for National Headquarters; December 15, 2024

January 2025

  • Local Chapters send monthly Empathy News (Honors, Marriages, Births, Deaths, etc.) to
    Mu State Empathy Chair, Donna Geno, Email: dgeno1972@gmail.com
  • State President Mid-Year Report due to National by Jan. 10th, 2025

February 2025

  • Mu State Executive Committee Spring Meeting, Lake Tiak O ‘Khata Louisville, MS: Saturday, February 15, 2025 (begins at 10:30 a.m.); Mu State Nominating Committee to report a slate of proposed nominees for 2025-2026 Mu State officers; finalize plans and reports for Mu State Convention
  • Local Chapters send monthly Empathy News (Honors, Marriages, Births, Deaths, etc.)  to
    Mu State Empathy Chair, Donna Geno, Email: dgeno1972@gmail.com
  • State President Recommendations for National Committee Appointments by Feb. 1st, 2025
  • The Kappa Profile (Spring Issue) article submission deadline to State President for National Headquarters:  Feb. 15, 2025

March 2025

  • Local Chapters send monthly Empathy News (Honors, Marriages, Births, Deaths, etc.)  to
    Mu State Empathy Chair, Donna Geno, Email: dgeno1972@gmail.com

April 2025

  • Local Chapters submit yearly Philanthropic Report to Mu State Philanthropic Chair, Debbie McLaurin;
    6318 Hwy. 82, Ethelsville, AL 35461;
    Email: debbiemclaurin@yahoo.com
    by April 1, 2025
  • Local Chapters submit yearly Membership Report to Mu State Membership Chair, Emily Eaton; 151 CR 226, Tiplersville, MS 38674; Email: emilyroseeaton@gmail.com by April 1, 2025
  • Local Chapters submit yearly Empathy Report to Mu State Empathy Chapter, Donna Geno, 384 CR 7100, Booneville, MS 38829;
    Email: dgeno1972@gmail.com by April 1, 2025
  • Local Chapters submit yearly Professional/ Personal Development Report
    Email: Jackie Martin, 711 Lower Meadville Dr., Bogue Chitto, MS, 39629, Email: Jackie.Martin@colin.edu by April 1, 2025
  • Local Chapters submit names of deceased members for State Convention Memorial Service to Mu State Memorial Chair, Bonnie Dalton, 302 Afton Park Drive, Corinth, MS 38834,
    Email: bonnie.dalton51@gmail.com by April 1, 2025
  • Local Chapters submit completed and signed Mu State Scholarship applications to Mu State Scholarship Chair, Tommye Walker, 105 Walker Lane, Ripley, MS 38863 Email:  walker.tommye@yahoo.com by April 1, 2025
  • Mu State Convention
    April 25-26, 2025
    Hosted by Alpha Delta (New Albany).
    Location:  New Albany (further details to be announced)
  • If any local chapter member is submitting a National Scholarship Application, please bring completed application to State Convention to get signatures from State Scholarship Chair and State President

May 2025

  • Local Chapters submit to National Headquarters V.I.P and Incentive Award Reports postmarked no later than May 1, 2025
  • State Empathy Report to be submitted by Mu State Empathy Chair, Donna Geno, to Region V Empathy Chair, Mary Lou Hughes (info on p.14) by May 5, 2025
  • State Philanthropic Report, State Professional Development, 2025-2026 Mu State Officer Contact List, & Mu State Chairs Contact 2025-2026 List to be submitted to National Headquarters by incoming Mu State President by May 15.
  • Local chapter treasurers collect 2025-2026 membership dues and submit to State Treasurer

June 2025

National Kappa Convention, Chattanooga, TN
June 23-26, 2025; The Read House, 107 W MLK Blvd., Chattanooga, TN 37402.

Local Chapters submit National Convention Delegate Report to National Headquarters
by June 1, 2025

Local Chapters submit your 2025-2026 local chapter officers contact information to incoming Mu State President and submit a copy to National Headquarters by June 1, 2025

Local chapter member submits completed and signed National Scholarship application to National Scholarship Committee postmarked no later than June 1, 2025

2024-2025 Mu State President and Mu State Second Vice President submit pictures and materials to National History Chair, Henrietta Hamilton, henriettahamiltonhh@gmail.com, by June 15, 2025

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